How Edsby makes the report card process better, faster and more error-free

Report Card Forms

The Edsby report card system starts by defining a set of report card record forms. These forms represent the set of data to be collected for an individual student in an individual class. A high degree of flexibility is provided, so that different report card forms will be available based on criteria such as

  • Grade level (e.g. elementary, middle, secondary)
  • Reporting period (e.g. interim, final)
  • Subject area (e.g. math, language)
  • Term rotation style (e.g. full year, semester)
  • Instructional language (e.g. English, Spanish)

Report card record forms also include information about what types of grades are required, whether fields are optional, etc.

Report Card Sheets

Once report card record forms have been created, they’re assigned to teachers in the form of report card sheets. A report card sheet is simply a set of report card records, one for each student in the class.

Assigning Report Card Sheets to Classes

A reporting period is created by selecting a set of classes and then assigning a particular reporting period type (Interim or Final) to that set of classes. Edsby will automatically find the most appropriate report card form, based on type, grade level, etc., create report card sheets, assign them to the classes, and place a link to the report card sheets in each class.

At the end of this process, the administrator will see a list of all of the assigned report card sheets, and the status of each one.

Teachers Fill In Report Card Sheets

Upon opening their classes, the teachers will be presented with a new “Report Card” option. Clicking this will bring up the report card sheet for that class, which they will fill in. Interim drafts are automatically saved. When they are finished filling in the sheet, they may submit it.

Review & Editing

When a sheet has been submitted, the administrator may review and edit the contents of the sheet. If extensive editing is required, the administrator may also return the sheet to the original teacher for further work and resubmission. When the administrator is satisfied with the sheet, they mark it as Finalized.

Export of Report Card Data

Once report card sheets have been finalized, the contents of all of the records on all of the sheets may be:

  • Exported to CSV
  • Exported to your SIS or database
  • Printed
  • Electronically published to students and parents