Edsby and Turnitin update

Edsby and Turnitin update

Connection between Edsby and Turnitin improved

A new integration between Edsby and Turnitin is now available to customers of both companies.

Organizations that use Edsby for assessment and reporting can configure their school or district’s Turnitin license to be available to their teachers.

Turnitin is one of the leading formative feedback and originality checking services. Teachers use it to promote critical thinking, ensure academic integrity and help students improve their writing.

Edsby and Turnitin first forged a partnership in 2019. Turnitin recently introduced AI writing detection.

Instructions on how organizations can configure their Edsby systems with their Turnitin license can be found here. Once configured, teachers can create assessments in Edsby and have them submitted, and graded, in Turnitin by following these steps.