Group collaboration

Edsby groups are safe, managed online collaboration areas. Use groups for school clubs or teams. And/or for region-wide professional development. Tight sync with other systems can get entire communities involved without technical headaches.

Flexible, effective collaboration

Edsby groups are a powerful way for people to collaborate with each other in a convenient, secure and effective way. Groups can be closed or open to an entire school, or even wide open across a school district or region. Groups can be shown to everyone, or only made visible to people with specified roles (to only teachers, for example).

Ideal for teams & clubs

Events in a group, like practices and rehearsals, appear on member’s calendars.

District-wide study groups

Groups automatically created for every class taught in a district or region allow students across schools to help each other, with teachers of those classes moderating and nurturing if necessary. Set automatically by synchronization with systems of record. No administration needed.

Monitor groups

Private Monitor Groups can be used for identifying at risk students based on attendance incidents or grades, or to monitor specific students as a mentor.

How one district uses Edsby monitor groups to improve graduation rates »


Educators can use Edsby groups to facilitate electronic professional learning communities (PLCs).

Self-paced staff PD

Districts can apply Edsby groups for professional development for educators and can grant badges and certifications. Professional development groups allow educators to build out content together. Moderators can add staff members to take their courses.

Automated membership

Automatically assign students, teachers or parents to groups. For example, a group for all grade 6 students. Or a group for all science teachers in the district. Edsby can assign or remove users to and from groups based on your criteria and says in sync with district systems as users come and go. Zero management once set up.

Knowledge bases

Collate the results of conversations and save related files in wiki-like knowledge bases. Save files in a group library.

Adult supervision

Every group in Edsby has a staff moderator. Groups can’t exist in Edsby without adult involvement.

Before Edsby, we hadn’t figured out how to get clubs and teams to communicate well. Edsby totally solved this. Group communication is one of my favourite parts of Edsby.

- Robert Gerryts, Director of Technology / Smithville Christian High School